AMEMR 2017
The 5th Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research Symposium was held in Plymouth on July 2017. The program of the conference was articulated around 4 themes: “Where have we come from and where are we going?”, “Making an Impact”, “Building blocks – truth or dare?”, and “Data, data everywhere, yet no time to think!”. We had 53 talks, 5 key note speakers and 84 posters.
For the first time in AMEMR symposia, flash presentations were added for poster presenters to ensure maximum visibility, these were very well received and gave many early career scientists the opportunity to present their work in plenary. AMEMR 2017 had 4 overarching themes:
AMEMR 2017 also hosted 4 workshops aiming at explaining with practical exercises and tutorials how to build and play with different kind of models and modelling approaches. Workshop attendees were walked through running the model, visualizing its results, and customizing ecosystem structure and parameterization to address specific scientific challenges. AMEMR 2017 was attended by 144 delegates (spanning from established senior scientists to students) from across in the World. |