Scientific Steering Committee
We welcome many new colleagues to this year's Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for AMEMR 2020.
The SSC have been instrumental in putting the programme together and will convene the various sessions.
The SSC have been instrumental in putting the programme together and will convene the various sessions.
- Jerry Blackford – Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
- Sevrine Sailley - Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
- Luca Polimene - European Commission - Joint Research Centre, IT
- Scott Condie - CSIRO, Australia
- Bettina Fach – Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- Kevin Flynn – University of Swansea, UK
- Wendy Gentlemen - Dalhousie University, Canada
- Stefano Ciavatta, Mercator Ocean International, FR
- Liuqian Yu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, CN
- Guttorm Alendal, University of Bergen, NO
- Anitha Gera, NCCR, IN
- Kira Krumhansl, Fisheries and Oceans, CA
Early Career Committee
- Yaru Li, PML, UK
- Rebecca Millington, PML, UK
- Helen Powley, PML, UK
- Deniz Disa, IMS, TR
- Javier Porobic Garate, CSIRO, AU
- Samantha Grusd, UCT, SA