AMEMR Keynote presenters
Theme 1:
Kevin Flynn
Kevin is a plankton researcher who divides his efforts 50:50 between experimental work and modelling of systems dynamics (though shifting more to the latter!). Both avenues have explored different plankton types, from autecology through to ecology (HABs, ocean acidification etc.), with applied work on algal biofuels. Emphasis in modelling is placed on replicating the essence of the dynamics of physiology and biochemistry, exploring hitherto under-represented facets, questioning simplifications and proposing alternatives. More can be found here -
Kevin is a plankton researcher who divides his efforts 50:50 between experimental work and modelling of systems dynamics (though shifting more to the latter!). Both avenues have explored different plankton types, from autecology through to ecology (HABs, ocean acidification etc.), with applied work on algal biofuels. Emphasis in modelling is placed on replicating the essence of the dynamics of physiology and biochemistry, exploring hitherto under-represented facets, questioning simplifications and proposing alternatives. More can be found here -
Stephanie Dutkiewicz
Stephanie is a principal research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She received a BSc (physics) from University of Miami and a PhD (oceanography) from the University of Rhode Island. Her research interests lie at the intersection of the marine ecosystem and the physical and biogeochemical environment. She is involved in developing and using complex numerical models as part of the MIT Darwin Project ( Much of her recent work has been in understanding the patterns of, and controls on the diversity of phytoplankton. This has led model development to include the representation of diverse phytoplankton communities, guided by laboratory, field and satellite observations and theoretical frameworks. Additionally she is interested in understanding how phytoplankton communities might change in a warming world, as part of her affiliation with the MIT Center for Global Changes Science. |
Theme 2
Theme 3
Professor Thomas Kiørboe
Centre for Ocean Life DTU-Aqua, Technical University of Denmark
Centre for Ocean Life DTU-Aqua, Technical University of Denmark
Theme 4
Keijle Malde
Professor Chris Budd
Professor Chris Budd